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Posted by Carly CarlyDec 22, 2014; 5:46pm
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Hello, my 5 y/o great dane has just started vomiting up her breakfast the last couple days.  We are taking her to the vet today to rule out any specific medical issues to be safe, and I know that this symptom can be part of the detox that's mentioned.  She is showing no other signs of discomfort and no dehydration.  My question is this, when should I start being worried about the vomiting if being viewed in the detox context, she is keeping her dinner down no problem, it's just the morning meal.  Thanks.


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Re: vomiting

Carly, what did the vet say? Glad you made the appointment to have her checked out!
Carly Carly
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Re: vomiting

In reply to this post by Carly
whoops, this took a long time to notice the response, so sorry!  she got put on some zantac for a bit, helped keep the acid down.  believe it was just a response to the switch and possibly going too long between meals sort of thing.  but all is well!
NJBoxers NJBoxers
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Re: vomiting

In reply to this post by Carly
Great...I'm glad she's ok Carly!  I'm a firm believer in feeding 2 meals a day (smaller one late afternoon or early evening) to always keep some food in their tummy, especially the medium/larger breed dogs...can help avoid bloat!